Which artist from Africa (non-Ghanaian) most influences Ghanaian poetry?

Answer: Wole Soyinka.

More detail:

Wole Soyinka was listed as an inspiration by thirteen different OGOV poets, followed by Dennis Brutus and Leopold Senghor, with seven mentions each.

The top ten:

Most Influential African (non-Ghanaian) Artists

1. Wole Soyinka (Nigeria), 14%
2. Dennis Brutus (South Africa), 8%
2. LĂ©opold Senghor (Senegal), 8%
4. Gabriel Okara (Nigeria), 5%
4. Christopher Okigbo (Nigeria), 5%
6. John Pepper Clark (Nigeria), 4%
6. Oswald Mtshili (South Africa), 4%
8. Chinua Achebe (Nigeria), 3%
9. David Diop (Senegal), 2%
9. Chenjerai Hove (Zimbabwe), 2%
9. Dambudzo Marechera (Zimbabwe), 2%
9. Okot p’Bitek (Uganda), 2%


Nigerians dominate this list, as one might expect. The lack of poets from North or East Africa is notable.

More Information:

Click here for an overview of this project, and to read other similar lists.

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