John Fiifi Atta Mills - Kojo Oppong

Just when we, the nation, really needed you,
Oh, death has laid its icy hands upon you!
How united we all have become;
Now that you are gone forever, only now do we really appreciate you!!

Ever since the unbelievable, devastating news was announced,
Very many people broke down, even your fiercest detractors
Are now waking up to the reality of your legacy.
Now therefore with your death, we all
Say: let us put politics aside and be one people, one nation, one destiny.

Father of All, dedicated in service to our nation and to God,
Incorruptible, humble, honest and a true patriot you proved to be,
Indeed you sacrificed yourself tirelessly even when terribly ill,
Fighting the good fight, with all your might;
Indeed, victory is yours, even in death. The CHANGE is unstoppable!

All Ghanaians were yearning for CHANGE,
To be brought about by you, Atta-Mills.
Travelling all around the country now is really
A refreshing wind of CHANGE, with no political divide.

Mills eeei, Mills, Kofi Mbir, Prof., Asomdwehene!!!!
In fact, now you are truly resting in peace, asomdwe!!
Letting the whole world see Ghana’s democracy in a new light and
Learn a lesson or two about how to coexist peacefully.
So, Uncle Atta, Fiifi, Asomdwehene, we shall really miss you!!!

Kojo Oppong is a Ghanaian poet.

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