Author Profile - Julian Adomako-Gyimah


Julian Adomako-Gyimah is an alum of Presby Boys Secondary School, Legon. He holds a B.A. in Business Studies at the Kensington College of Business, London, a Diploma in Journalism at the Writers Bureau College of Journalism, Manchester, UK, Executive Diplomas in Strategic Management and Management, a Diploma in Management Studies and an Executive MBA at the Huddersfield University, UK. He has worked as a Financial Controller at Brook & Whittle, after working as an Accounts Manager at Ryder Plc, both in the UK. Additionally, he is a Chartered Manager and a member of the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), also in the UK.

Julian is also the proud author of two bestsellers, namely Smile Africa and Recall, which are both available on,,, and in all major retail outlets around the globe.

Julian is a co-founder of One Ghana, One Voice.

Five Questions with Julian Adomako-Gyimah:

1. What are the signs of change that you are seeing? How do you know "the beast is going down at last"?

There is a wave blowing across the world and it is calling for change and everything from the prowess of Barack Obama to the situation in Ghana and Nigeria, to mention but a few, gives enough signs of change and we are even yet to see more. Ghanaians are calling for change in governance after seeing the worst corruption scandals in a long time and so are Americans. The signs of the times shows that the beast (all greedy people, including politicians) is going down.

2. You've been traveling frequently between Nigeria and Ghana recently. What insight has this brought to you about the state of society in Ghana compared to that of Nigeria? What lessons can Ghana learn from Nigeria?

Ghana has a lot to learn from Nigeria in terms of business, literature and what have you. The purchasing power of Nigerians is far, far higher than that of Ghanaians and imagine selling to a market of 120m + people as compared to 20m that we have in Ghana. But Nigeria has been faced with several corruption scandals which makes it very bad for its citizenry.

Nigerians are also very daring, with high ambitions, and aren't risk averse at all so one can often hear Nigerians talking about big pay checks instead of the meagre ones that we hear fellow Ghanaians speak up.

3. You have been the leader of OGOV's Roundtable Discussions. How have these sessions been going for you?

This has gone very well and it is a brilliant brainstorming session where great minds share ideas for the good of Africa and mankind in general. I hope to see a lot more people become part of this innovation.

4. What particular observations from the Roundtable Discussions have stood out for you the most?

People have so much to offer and the level of frustration amongst contributors in regards to the myopic views Africans have on literature is something that thrills me. Everyone is willing to change this myopic view and that alone is good enough for me. I just pray that we insist on works and not on words...

5. What is the one new development you would most like to see to strengthen the Ghanaian writing community?

I would want to see more open mic and dub poet performances in clubs, pubs, universities and other public places to help create awareness about the power or poetry in society. A word to the wise is enough, so I'd rather be snappy on this.

Contact Julian:
Email: jlnadom(at)
Website: Buy Smile Africa
Buy Recall

Julian's Past Profiles:

Issue 1.16, July 7th-13th, 2007
Issue 1.7, May 5th-11th, 2007

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