Author Profile - Farouk Abdul Rahman


Farouk Abdul Rahman is a student at the University of Ghana pursuing a BA in Sociology and Theatre Arts. He is a Ghanaian from the Ashanti Region and 23 years of age. His hobbies are reading, writing and
watching movies. He has written well over 50 poems and is still researching into other areas of writing.

Five Questions with Farouk Abdul Rahman:

1.How long have you been writing poetry?

I have been writing poetry for the past four years.

2. Who are your favorite poets? Which poets have most inspired you and informed your work?

I really like the works of Emily Dickenson.

3. What is your opinion about the state of poetry in Ghana today? The state of poetry on the campus at the University of Ghana, Legon?

I think poetry in Ghana is not been given the needed attention. There is a lot stakeholders can do in this sense because there are really good poets around.

4.What do you think needs to be done to promote and strengthen African poetry?

I believe the poets we have around should be motivated especially by the government because poetry can significantly shape our society.

5. When you are writing, what audience are you intending your work for? A Ghanaian audience, an international one, or simply for yourself?

I write generally about society and everything in it.

Contact Farouk:



Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful piece. Speaks for the hearts that are so battered they cant speak for themselves. The writer certainly has a fine usage of language and the expression is just so beautiful. good work, Farouk.

Anonymous said...

Each week since this site opened, i've been visiting... enjoying the different voices that it features. i beleive now that organizers knew there's a lot of talent in ghana. so, i want to say thank you for this.
Martin, Kumasi

Rob Taylor said...

Thanks, Martin. Be sure to tell your friends.

Now when are we going to see something by you on the site?