Author Profile - Nana Agyemang Ofosu


Nana Agyemang Ofosu, born on February 3rd, 1985 in Kumasi, Ghana, is a young poet. He holds a degree in civil engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of science and technology and is currently honoring his national service at the Department of Urban Roads, Kumasi. As a student of science, he accidentally discovered his interest in poetry when he made a bad comment about a poetry piece of his younger brother. He is a member of an open mic poetry team in Kumasi and also a founding member of Unified Talents, the organizers of Open Mic Poetry.

Five Questions with Nana Agyemang Ofosu:

1. The Harmattan was brief this year. How did you feel about this?

The harmattan this year was unfriendly because it did not last long. It only gave me the impression that nature has changed. I now know that the climate change has hit my country and who ever is involved in such an act to destroy nature should be called to order.

2. When you were a child, how did you feel about the Harmattan? Have those feelings changed as you've aged?

As a young boy the harmattan only bathed me in white pale skin as I played in the sand. The Harmattan made it hard to breathe as we approached December and journeyed through to January to February. My early years as a child saw the beauty of the Harmattan when the climax was a beautiful windstorm gathering everything it found. The Harmattan season was a delight since it introduced a whole experience of life i had to adjust to.

But now there is a sudden change; the season of Harmattan has been shortened with no extraordinary effects. What is to come due to this change is only left to God.

3. In the past, has the Harmattan affected your writing? Have you written less or more during the Harmattan season? Have the themes or tones of your poems changed?

Though I have not specifically written something on Harmattan, I have made an effort to relate some of the things I write to it. I am not aware of the times when I write more often. How I write depends on how I feel about a situation and my emotions.

4. The title of this poem is an interesting one. Could you talk about it a bit?

Well, the title is about a mother who is calling her sons and those who can offer help to her in her difficult times. Clearly stated in the opening opening stanza, a call has been made to the winds of the south to replace that of the north and clearly that is the Harmattan which comes hard to us making the air too dry to breathe. The coming of the south winds brings hope and good tidings.

5. Is there anything new going on in your life/writing that you'd like to share with our readers?

Not much to share with readers. The only truth I want to share is the truth about God.

Contact Nana:
bunitslove(at), unifiedtalents(at)

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